New Book Encourages Business Owners to Get Their Black Belt in Marketing
To survive in today’s business economy you need a different style of marketing; author Ali Perez’s new book, Get Your Black Belt in Marketing, encourages them to consider approaching their marketing strategy in a new way.
Pervez is very passionate about helping business owners, and has created the Black Belt Marketing strategy based on time-tested principles of marketing that he has distilled over five years. Pervez spent nearly 10,000 hours totally immersing himself in the study of marketing; this includes reading marketing books, attending seminars, and listening to marketing audios in quest for the answers.
“The biggest mistake that most business owners are making is assuming that people stop buying in a recession, this is simply not true. Look around you, people are still eating out, buying cars, going on holiday, they are just more skeptical and fearful. What it takes to overcome this fear is trust by doing high impact Black Belt Marketing,” says Pervez. He reminds us that some of the greatest names in our business history were built in a recession; companies such as FedEx, CNN, GE, HP, Burger King, and Hyatt.
These success stories illustrate how the founders knew how to bring value to the market, even in tough times. “What we need to remember is that now is the time to act, and it is the best time to build your business. While other businesses are fearful, you can attack a and take control and dominant of whatever market you are in, by being a Black Belt Marketer.” explains Pervez.
The book is broken down into 81 moves, the same number of moves that it takes to get your Black Belt in Tae-Kwon Do. Getting a black belt in marketing takes respect, courage, discipline, and focus — the same principles that are used in Martial Arts. In today’s economy you need to a Black Belt in Marketing to survive.
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Category: Business Tips & Resources